How Are You In Indonesian
how are you in indonesian

Bahasa Indonesia, the official language of Indonesia, is relatively easy to learn compared to other tonal Asian languages such as Thai or Mandarin Chinese. For all requests relating to your personal data, you can contact the DPO (Data Protection Officer) of the data at the following address: or lodge a complaint with the National Commission for computing and liberties. In accordance with the French "Computing and freedoms" Law n ° 78-17 of 6th January 1978, amended by the European regulation of 679/2016, you can at any time request access to information concerning you for the purpose of correcting, changing, or deleting, opposing or limiting its use by EVANEOS, or transferring it, by writing to You can also define the terms of use, storage, and communication of your personal data in case of death.

What are you eating / Are you eating In Indonesian, questions start with the subject: Kamu makan apa / Kamu mau makan Meanwhile, adjective phrases in the.One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tenNol, satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluhDua puluh, tiga puluh, empat puluh, lima puluh, enam puluhTujuh puluh, delapan puluh, sembilan puluhHours/Dates and daysDienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag UsaMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundaySenin, selasa, rabu, kamis, jum’at, sabtu, mingguYour information is sent to EVANEOS, located at 27 rue de Mogador, 75009 Paris, France, in order provide you with its services, personalized information relevant to you, and practical advice regarding your travel plans. Smiling, even toward strangers that you are interacting with, or someone that accidentally met your eyes, is considered polite and could be a social ice-breaker and to sign that you are. September 23 (Renewables Now) - The Indonesian government has cleared the subsea survey permit and the proposed route of a subsea power link that will allow importing electricity into Singapore from an up to 20-GWp solar complex in Australia.The Australia-Asia PowerLink (AAPowerLink) project was put forward by Singapore’s Sun Cable Pty Ltd and calls for an investment of over AUD 30 billion (USD 21.8bn/EUR 18.6bn).

As part of the overall system design, we are also in close cooperation with a UK EW data management specialist, who will provide a shore station for ESM data processing, storage and dissemination. We will provide an Electronic Warfare (EW) solution that not only gives the Indonesian Navy the ability to capture, compile and utilize EW data across multiple ships, but also brings advantages in many other areas with the commonality in design and future expansion potential. On August 31st, 2021, we have been awarded a contract to supply a third-party Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems integrated with our C-Flex Patrol for 6 vessels. The electricity will be exported via a 4,200-km (2,610-mile) undersea High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission cable system from Darwin to Singapore.The project developer on Thursday announced the Indonesian government's decision to recommend the route of the power link’s transmission cables through Indonesian waters and its approval of the subsea survey permit for the project.“This is a significant milestone for the AAPowerLink and brings us closer to generating and transmitting affordable, dispatchable renewable energy to Darwin and Singapore, via the world’s largest renewable energy transmission network," said David Griffin, Sun Cable's CEO.The complex is due to become operational after 2028. The produced power will be used locally in Darwin and supplied to Singapore to cover up to 15% of the country’s electricity demand.According to Sun Cable, the huge infrastructure project will fetch up to AUD 2 billion from power exports to Australia per year and bring over AUD 8 billion of direct investments in Australia. The scheme was earlier this year given major project status by the Aussie government and was put on the nation’s infrastructure priority list. are you in indonesianhow are you in indonesian